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Designing a Home Meditation Space: An Odyssey in Zen and the Art of Interior Decoration

submitted on 18 June 2023 by homeandgardenlistings.co.uk

The Quest for Inner Peace Begins

As I embarked on my journey to create the ultimate meditation space within the confines of my humble abode, I found myself in a perpetual state of existential crisis. I questioned whether I could truly achieve inner peace under the scrutiny of countless cream-coloured scatter cushions and mercilessly uncoordinated rugs.Nevertheless, I persevered. Swathed in a luxurious smoking jacket, imbued with the scent of sandalwood and just a hint of ennui, I delved deep into meditation dens of Instagram influencers and feng shui experts alike. And now, armed with an arsenal of wisdom and a newfound appreciation for colour palettes, I shall impart my learnings upon you, dear reader. Buckle in. It's going to be a transcendental ride.

Location, Location, Location: The Three Tenets of Meditation Real Estate

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, or in this case, a single room. The key to creating a serene oasis is, of course, to select the appropriate location within your residence. Steer clear of areas plagued by the cacophony of everyday life, such as the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is the family room (or, as I like to call it, the "apocalyptic pandemonium"), or the ruthless battlegrounds of the kitchen.Rather, opt for a space that offers a modicum of tranquility and, ideally, a view of nature. A disused broom cupboard will simply not do; aim for a room in which you can breathe deeply without inhaling a lungful of cobwebs and mothballs.

Colour Me Calm: A Guide to the Perfect Palette

Once you've secured your slice of domestic nirvana, it's time to play Picasso and paint your sanctuary in colours that will transport you to a state of blissful serenity. Gone are the gaudy neons of the eighties and the lurid flock wallpaper of the seventies; in their place, a delicate dance of muted tones and soothing hues.Consider embracing the cool embrace of pale blues, the soft caress of gentle greens, or the comforting hug of warm neutrals. Reserve the use of bold colours for accent pieces and subtle touches, lest you create a space that screams "I AM CALM!" rather than gently whispers it.

Furniture: The Art of The Sit

Now that you've selected a location and set the mood with your choice of colour, it's time to consider the pièce de résistance: the seating. It's essential to provide a comfortable perch from which to embark on your journey to enlightenment, for even the most blissful meditation can be rudely interrupted by an unyielding hard-backed chair.Options abound, from the classic meditation cushion (known to those in the know as a zafu) to the humble yoga mat or a plush armchair. The key is to select a piece that supports your spine and allows you to maintain proper posture whilst astral projecting into the cosmos.

Accessorise, Accessorise, Accessorise: The Zen Trifecta

With the foundations in place, it's time to adorn your sanctum with the trinkets and baubles that will elevate your meditation experience to celestial heights. Here are a few essentials to consider:
  • An altar: No meditation space is complete without an altar upon which to place your offerings to the gods of interior design. A simple shelf or table will suffice, adorned with candles, incense, and perhaps a small statuette of a deity to keep you company on your spiritual sojourns.
  • Lighting: Banish the harsh glare of overhead fluorescent lights in favour of soft, ambient illumination. Think fairy lights, salt lamps, and candles (preferably with a subtle scent that won't overpower your olfactory senses).
  • Plants: Bring the outdoors in with an array of lush greenery. Not only will they purify the air, but they'll also provide something to focus on when your mind inevitably turns to the laundry you've been avoiding for the past week.

Set the Mood: The Sounds of Silence (Or, at Least, Something Close)

Finally, consider the soundtrack to your meditation experience. While some may prefer the sound of silence (or a reasonable facsimile thereof), others may find solace in the gentle hum of a white noise machine or the ethereal tones of a singing bowl. Experiment with different auditory stimuli to find the perfect accompaniment to your daily dose of zen.

The Finished Product: A Sanctuary of Serenity

And there you have it; with these tips and tricks in hand, you're well on your way to creating a meditation space that would make even the most discerning zen master green with envy. May your journey to inner peace be paved with perfectly-placed pot plants and cushions so soft you'll weep tears of joy.


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