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Editor's Selected Articles and Listings

The Indispensable Benefits of Water Damage Restoration & Mitigation Services

Water damage is one of the most common and potentially destructive problems you can face as a homeowner. If not taken care of immediately, excess water in your home can promote electrical hazards, cause expensive damage to your home's structure and furnishings, and can even lead to the growth of hazardous mold. When the worst happens, the best solution is to call in professionals. Here's why using... read more >>>

Green Heating Solutions: The Future of Comfort and Sustainability

In today's world, where the environment is at the forefront of global discussions, the shift towards green solutions is not just a trend; it's a necessity. Among the myriad of eco-friendly alternatives available, green electric heating solutions stand out as a beacon of hope for a sustainable future. But why should you consider switching to green heating? Let's delve into the myriad benefits of th... read more >>>

Mudroom Essentials: Organizing Entryways Efficiently

The Chaotic World of Entryways Picture this: You walk into your home after a long day, and you're greeted by a chaotic mountain of shoes, jackets, and bags scattered about. It's a sight that could make even the most stoic of individuals tremble with frustration. Fear not, for there is a solution to this madness: the mudroom. This sacred haven, typically located at the primary entrance of a home, ... read more >>>

Could Your New Office Be a Garden Room?

Garden rooms are now already a very popular alternative to working within your actual property. The benefit is that they have more space to move around, more natural light, more natural air circulation and more privacy.For a buyer or builder looking for an alternative, the design of a garden room needs to be attractive and practical. The appeal should be that of a separate space where you can rela... read more >>>

Companion Planting for a Healthy Garden

Of Cabbages and Kings: A Royal Introduction Imagine, if you will, a land where cabbages are kings, and tomatoes are queens. Picture rows upon rows of sprightly lettuce, keeping the peace between factions of feisty peppers and regal eggplants. This, my friends, is the world of companion planting, where vegetables coexist in perfect harmony, while silently plotting to dominate the world - or, at le... read more >>>

Boilers, Bother, and Why Bob from Next Door Isn't Your Best Bet

Ah, the home boiler. That unsung hero of modern living, tirelessly working away in the background, ensuring our homes are toasty and our showers are steamy. It's a bit like the drummer in a rock band – essential, but often overlooked until something goes wrong. And when it does, the temptation is to call up Bob from next door, who once fixed a leaky tap and now considers himself a bit of a DIY gur... read more >>>

A Look at Task Lighting, Background Lighting and Ambient Lighting

There's more to lighting than merely illuminating a room. Lighting should serve a specific purpose - perhaps to add to ambience to a room, or just add some background level light, or a task-orientated light - perhaps a spotlight on a desk for reading. This article looks at these three reasons to add lighting to a room.Task LightingTask lighting is arguably the most straight-forward. You set up y... read more >>>

Transform Your Garden with These Unique Ideas

Are you tired of the same old boring garden decor? Want to spice things up and add some personality to your outdoor space? Look no further! Here are some unique ideas to transform your garden into a one-of-a-kind oasis. Repurpose Old Items Who says you have to spend a fortune on new garden accessories? Look in your own attic or garage for old items you can repurpose. An old bicycle can be turned i... read more >>>

Aluminium Pergolas: The Unsung Heroes of Modern Gardens

In the vast world of garden architecture, where every leaf and pebble seems to have a story, and where Mr. Thompson's overenthusiastic rose bushes seem to be in a perpetual race with Mrs. Green's daisies, there's a new player in town. It's sleek, it's modern, and it's here to revolutionize your backyard: the aluminium pergola.Now, I've meandered through gardens that would make a botanist weep with... read more >>>

When Trees Dance with Hurricanes: A Floridian Tale

It's a curious thing, living in Florida. One moment you're sipping a delightful iced tea on your porch, admiring the flamingos prancing about, and the next, you're scrambling to secure your beloved garden gnome from the impending wrath of a hurricane. But while you might be adept at saving Mr. Gnome, have you ever spared a thought for the towering trees that grace your backyard?Now, I'm not sugges... read more >>>

Building Hobbit Houses: Real-life Fantasy Homes

Introduction: Bringing Middle Earth to Your Backyard Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and thought, "Wow, I'd love to live there!" For many, J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" series have inspired a desire to escape the mundane and transport themselves into a world full of magic and adventure. Fortunately, you don't need to be a wizard or wear rings of power to cr... read more >>>

Origami-Inspired Architecture in Home Design: When Paper Meets Practicality

The Unexpected Intersection of Origami and Home Design As a seasoned journalist with a knack for finding myself in the most curious of situations, I've developed an appreciation for the peculiar marriage of unrelated topics. Recently, I've been fascinated by how two seemingly unrelated subjects - the ancient art of origami and modern home design - have joined forces to create stunning, functional... read more >>>

Splashbacks: Kitchen and Bathroom's Unsung Heroes

Have you ever tried throwing spaghetti at the wall to see if it's done? Or has your bathroom mirror become a blurry apparition post every steamy shower? Enter the valiant savior, our friend and champion - The Splashback!Consider a splashback as the Alfred to your Batman, the Dr. Watson to your Sherlock Holmes, or even the Samwise Gamgee to your Frodo Baggins, tirelessly protecting your walls and m... read more >>>

Feng Shui: Harmonizing Your Home

An Introduction: Feng WHAT? As you enter your abode after a hard day of toil, you might find yourself unsettled, perhaps even agitated, by the clutter and chaos that reigns within. You might suspect that something is amiss, but what could it be? The answer, my friend, is Feng Shui: the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing one's environment to optimize the flow of energy, or chi. Now before you deem... read more >>>

Colorful Culinary Canvases: The Quartz Worktop Spectrum

In the heart of the home where culinary magic springs to life, the humble kitchen worktop awaits its hue, its identity. Amidst the confluence of bustling activities, it stands, a silent spectator, ready to don a color that mirrors the ethos of its surroundings. The decision beckons, and quartz, with its boundless color palette, steps forth as the canvas ready to embrace the vision of the aesthete,... read more >>>

Gardening in the Cloud: Smart Greenhouses

The Dawning of the Age of Gardening Intelligence Yes, my friends, it's true: you no longer need to sport soil-streaked fingernails or endure a persistent aroma of compost clinging to your every fiber. Thanks to the absolute marvel of smart greenhouses, you can now impress your friends, relatives, and even that curious squirrel that keeps stealing your tulip bulbs, all while remaining utterly clea... read more >>>

Kitchen Remodeling: The Recipe for a Sizzling Home Makeover

In the grand buffet of home improvement, the kitchen is the pièce de résistance, the prime rib, the crème de la crème. It's where the magic happens, where raw ingredients are transformed into culinary masterpieces, and where the dog patiently waits for something, anything, to fall off the counter. But what if your kitchen is more 'frozen dinner" than 'gourmet feast'? Fear not, dear reader, for I p... read more >>>

Designing Spaces for Home Yoga Studios

Unravel the Mystery of the Chakras in Your Living Room Surely, you've pondered deeply on the best way to strike the perfect sun salutation in the comfort of your own home. Or perhaps, you've been pondering the astral plane while sipping on your daily kombucha and considering how to turn your sacred space into a personal nirvana. Well, my enlightened friends, today is the day we embark on a journe... read more >>>

Replace or Refinish Your Hardwood Floors?

Wondering whether to replace or refinish your hardwood floors? This article sheds some light on the matter with essential tips to help you make the right decision.Hardwood makes one of the most preferred flooring materials. The reasons people like hardwood floors vary, but they often feature elements of durability, aesthetics, and cost over time. Installing hardwood floors may be a significant cos... read more >>>

The Kitchen Chronicles: A Narrative of Wellness through Renovation

Once upon a chilly morning, as the first light of dawn crept into my abode, a sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Not bricks of the mundane variety, mind you, but those of enlightenment. The kitchen, the sacred space of culinary endeavors, was not just a realm for the seasoned and the aspiring chefs, but a canvas. A canvas that, when redesigned with a dash of modernity and a sprinkle o... read more >>>

Flat Roof Replacement - A Look at Your Options

Flat roofs are a common feature of many homes in Europe and the United States, they're cheaper to construct and easier to replace than a tiled roof. That's why specifiers include them in the designs of so many homes.Unfortunately, a flat roof is far more likely to hold water and leak that a sloped and tiled roof.Traditionally these roofs were covered with tar and felt to keep the water out and had... read more >>>

Stone Masonry: The Bedrock of Property Enhancement

In the grand scheme of home improvement, there are few things that can compare to the sheer joy of hiring a professional stone mason. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Why would I need a stone mason? I don't live in a castle!" Well, dear reader, let me rock your world with five compelling reasons why a stone mason can be the cornerstone of your property's transformation.Aesthetic AppealStone maso... read more >>>

The Rise of Robot Gardeners

Introduction: A Sweltering Nightmare in Suburbia It was a blistering hot day in the suburbs, a place of neatly trimmed lawns and soul-crushing conformity. Sweat poured down my face as I approached the garden with a sense of impending doom. I was armed with nothing more than a pair of rusty hedge clippers and a dog-eared copy of "Gardening for Dummies." The garden, a tangled mass of weeds and desp... read more >>>

Home Automation: The Revolution within Your Home and Garden

A Glimpse into the Future: Home Automation Imagine a world where a simple voice command can brew your morning coffee, lock your doors and windows, and even water your garden. No, this is not science fiction, nor is it a fever dream of a slothful individual. This is the reality of home automation - the future of homes and gardens that we are already living in today. Home Automation: What is it and... read more >>>

The Chimney Conundrum: A Hearth's Health Check-Up

When the world seems to spin on an axis powered by the latest gadgetry and smart devices, there exists an ancient sentinel of stone and mortar that demands a nod – the chimney. This steadfast structure, often overlooked, rises above our roofs with a quiet dignity, a silent guardian of the hearth below. Yet, beneath its stoic exterior lies a labyrinth of potential issues that, if neglected, could t... read more >>>

Creating a Botanical Bathroom: Greening Indoor Spaces

The Call of the Wild: Bringing Nature Indoors As I stood there, contemplating the drab and dreary confines of my bathroom, a sudden and urgent desire to commune with nature overcame me. What if I could transform this modernist monstrosity - with its oppressive porcelain and synthetic tiles - into an oasis of peace, where I could bathe in a verdant jungle, surrounded by lush foliage and the soothi... read more >>>

Basement Renovations: From Storage to Living Space

Introduction Gather round, fellow homeowners and aspiring DIY enthusiasts, for we are about to embark on a journey into the abyss of the basement. It is a tale of transformation, a metamorphosis from drab and gloomy to the epitome of functionality and style. No longer shall basements be relegated to mere storage space, but instead, they shall rise to their rightful place as a beacon of domestic i... read more >>>

Butterfly Gardening: Enhancing Natural Pollination

A Pollinator's Paradise: The Importance of Butterflies There is a secret world in your garden, one of life and death, of beauty and chaos. From the petals of the flowers, to the blades of the grass, it is a battleground where only the fittest can survive. Yet, amidst this Darwinian hellscape, there exists a group of creatures that seem to defy nature itself: the butterflies. These delicate, colorf... read more >>>

Caring for Bonsai: The Miniature Trees

A Brief History of Bonsai It may surprise you to know that bonsai, those tiny, gnarled, and twisted little trees, have a storied and lengthy history. The bonsai, like a miniature version of the Natural History Museum, transformed from mere horticulture into a profound and mysterious art form. This ancient practice of cultivating miniature trees began in China over a thousand years ago, and later ... read more >>>

Incorporating Zen Elements in Home Gardens

A Most Serene Introduction It has long been a truth universally acknowledged that a single homeowner in possession of a garden must be in want of Zen. Yes, there is something alluring about the peace, tranquility, and simplicity that emanates from the Zen garden, making it an object of desire for the horticulturally inclined. In a world filled with chaos and cacophony, who doesn't want to come ho... read more >>>

Midnight Marauders: The Quiet Triumph of Bed Bug Monitors

In the waning hours of the night, beneath the tangle of cotton sheets and the blissful oblivion of slumber, an unholy feud unfolds. A realm wherein dreams take flight and fantasies unfurl, now tarnished by the insidious forays of our microscopic invaders: the bed bugs.However, fret not, dear reader, for in the valiant pantheon of nocturnal defenders, there emerges a silent guardian, the bed bug mo... read more >>>

Sustainable Roofing Options for Homes

Introduction As the world continues its relentless march towards a feverish environmental apocalypse, it's more important than ever to give your humble abode a fighting chance by adorning it with the most fashionable, eco-friendly headwear. Yes, we're talking about sustainable roofing options that will leave Mother Nature green with envy, while your neighbors wallow in their fossil-fuel-filled ces... read more >>>

Some Ideas for Selecting the Best Outdoor Furnishings

A few factors should be remembered while searching for the best garden furniture. Make sure the furniture is suitable for your requirements and that you feel well sitting on it first.It's also important to think about the aesthetics of your garden and the kinds of plants you have.Here are some suggestions for picking out the best garden furniture for your house. The first step is to take stock of... read more >>>

Five Ways to Prepare Your Garden for Next Spring

Here are five outdoor tasks to do this winter to ensure a flourishing garden in the spring!Cut back strategicallyDon't go chopping away at the garden only to keep yourself occupied if you're feeling restless and bored. Pruning should never be done without a plan, and particularly not at this time of year. It's the best time to prune your evergreen shrubs and deciduous trees, since you'll be able t... read more >>>

A Look at Communal Cleaning Requirements

You may reign supreme when it comes to cleanliness in your own apartment, but what can you do if the common spaces in your building are a different story?One of the major complaints of apartment dwellers is the state of the building's common areas, such as the corridors and stairwells, which may be in disrepair and potentially pose a health risk to residents.However, it's difficult to come to a co... read more >>>

Asbestos Testing Prior to Developing

Asbestos testing is a critical element in the construction industry. Its purpose is to test for the presence of asbestos-containing material (ACM).Asbestos presents serious health risks to people. In the construction sector, experts have increasingly phased off the use of asbestos since the 1980s. However, buildings that constructors built before then often will have asbestos-containing material (... read more >>>

Why Is Oak Furniture Still So Popular Today?

The durability and timeless appeal of oak furniture has kept it in demand for centuries.It would be difficult to name a more prestigious wood than oak. Oak's thick hefty structure and lovely grain have made it a popular choice for furniture for centuries. The hardness and longevity of this material are highly sought after qualities. Oak is a really interesting tree; what else do you know about it?... read more >>>

Things You Should Do Before Starting a Home Refurbishment

Getting a house refurbishment can be daunting and can easily go off the rails if not properly planned. If you want to make sure that your refurbishment would turn out great, it is essential to have a clear outline of the process so you don't have to grope in the dark for the next step. Here are some of the things that you should do before doing your home refurbishment:1. Know what you likeYou migh... read more >>>

What Kind of Landscaping Can Be Done in the Fall?

To achieve successful landscaping, you need to keep your lawn healthy all year round. This is especially so because the weather keeps on changing, therefore affecting plant growth. It is therefore essential to understand the changes we expect in the fall, since knowing this will enable you to take the necessary steps needed to keep your lawn healthy throughout this time.Here are some quick facts y... read more >>>

Should I Have My Driveway Concreted?

Concrete driveways are one of the most popular kinds of driveways nowadays. They are cost-effective, in addition to being sturdy and long-lasting. Nonetheless, there are always two sides to any coin, so it's important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of a concreted driveway carefully before committing to one.There are a number of advantages to in situ concreting that you should be aware of.Effe... read more >>>

Benefits of Modern Artificial Grass

Artificial Grass offers homeowners lots of advantages these days.The product is much advanced from the harsh and often painful astro turf that used to cover football pitches back in the 1980s and looks so much better than the fake grass that adorned Butcher's windows not that long ago.ProductArtificial grass has advanced dramatically over the last 5-10 years. The products has hit an evolution stag... read more >>>

Growing and Using Medicinal Plants at Home: A Delightful Romp Through Herbal Remedies

Plants? Medicine? At Home? Preposterous! One might scoff at the notion of growing and using medicinal plants at home. After all, we live in a world of dazzling pharmaceutical advancements and synthetic remedies. Why would one bother with the delicate dance of growing one's own botanical panacea? Could it be that a return to the roots (pun absolutely intended) of healing is not only practical but a... read more >>>

Green Roofs: Benefits for Urban Environments

Introduction: The Green Revolution Begins at Home Listen up, fellow city-dwellers and concrete jungle-ites! The time has come to rise above the smog-infested haze of our urban wastelands and venture into the world of rooftop gardens. Yes, that's right, I'm talking about green roofs! These verdant oases perched atop our buildings not only provide a breath of fresh air (literally) but also serve as... read more >>>

The Influence of Biophilic Design in Homes

When Nature Calls: Answer with Biophilic Design Let's face it, folks. Most of us have probably spent more time in our homes this past year than we ever thought possible. Suddenly, we're realizing that maybe our living spaces should contribute more to our well-being than just providing shelter from the elements and a place to store our belongings. It's time to consider the influence of biophilic d... read more >>>

Themed Kids' Bedrooms: From Space to Jungles

Introduction to Themed Bedrooms Hey there, fellow parentals! Are your kids" rooms as boring as the white walls of an insane asylum? Are you tired of waking up in a cold sweat, haunted by the realization that your children's sanctuaries of slumber are utterly soulless? Don't worry, we're here to help you transform those dull chambers into exciting wonderlands that'll have your kids forgetting they... read more >>>

Cob Houses: Building with Earth and Straw

Imagine being snuggled up in a cozy, warm home, built with love, sweat, and dirt. Yes, you read that right, dirt. Cob houses, an ancient building technique that uses earth, straw, and water, are making a triumphant comeback in this age of DIY and sustainable living. These humble abodes are not only eco-friendly, but also affordable, sturdy, and filled with charm. In this debauched society, where w... read more >>>

A Recent Trip to Japan Inspired me To Get Some Sliding Wardrobe Doors

Nowhere is space at such a premium like it is in Japan. And because of this, the Japanese have become masters at saving space when and where they can - you have futons that can be easily folded away to create space (instead of traditional beds), and sliding doors where traditional doors would be. And it's those sliding doors that gave me the inspiration to buy my own Sliding wardobe doors for ou... read more >>>

A Look at 'Renting Light'

So what is "renting light"? It's the idea of moving in and out of rental properties with the least amount of hassle possible. First, let's look at why this might be a good idea in the first place. Let's look at its opposite...imagine moving into a "renting heavy" with maximum trouble:-an unfurnished property - boom, right there you have set yourself up for trouble! I once had to buy my own cooke... read more >>>

A Quick Look at the Benefits of Landscaping Your Garden

There are many benefits to landscape gardening - you just have to know what to look for.Here's one simple example that landscaping can bring to your garden: soil health. Landscaping allows you the chance to distribute some higher quality soil into your garden. When you have healthy soil, it gives your plants a higher quality of life, and they can survive longer than with soil of lower quality. Ha... read more >>>

Moon Gardens: Nighttime Wonders

A Nocturnal Paradise for Insomniac Gardeners By the time the sun sets and the weary populace retreats to their homes, a new world emerges. A world where the insane and the damned come out to play, and where the rules of horticulture are rewritten in the pale moonlight. Welcome, my friends, to the realm of moon gardens. These bastions of nighttime flora are designed for those who thrive when the ... read more >>>

From Drab to Fab: The Chronicles of Driveway Makeovers

In the vast universe of home improvement projects, there exists a small but mighty force that has the power to transform your humble abode from drab to fab: a new driveway. Though often overlooked in favor of more glamorous endeavors like kitchen remodels or rooftop gardens, a freshly paved driveway can work wonders for your home's appearance and value. So, buckle up and prepare for a thrilling jo... read more >>>

Mastering the Art of Indoor Jungle Management: A Guide for Aspiring Plant Parents

It's no secret that houseplants have become an increasingly popular trend in recent years. From lush, tropical jungles on your windowsill, to the simple elegance of a single succulent on your desk, the world has gone green in the best way possible. But as every aspiring plant parent knows, there's a learning curve involved in transforming your home into a verdant oasis. Fear not, for this guide wi... read more >>>

How to Find a Suitable Plumber for your Plumbing Problems

Hiring a plumber can be a stressful experience for many people. Quite often, we only look for a plumber when there's an emergency. And so, under pressure and with almost no time to decide, we have to find someone to do the job well. That's no way to find anyone! The best way to find tradespeople is to research when there isn't a problem in your house. Build up a contacts list so that when a pro... read more >>>

Raise the Roof: The Untold Delights of Delegating your Shingles

Now, let's talk about roofs. Yes, those lofty, often pigeon-besieged fixtures that grace the tops of our humble abodes, tasked with a noble yet thankless job. The roof is our unsung hero, defending us from the onslaught of rain, sleet, snow, and the occasional misplaced frisbee. Yet when it comes to roof repair or replacement, we often buckle up our DIY overalls, armed with a toolbox and a spirit ... read more >>>

Reasons to Choose an Architect to Design Your Home

There are MANY reasons as to why you should choose an architect to design your home. However, this article will just look at a few of the key reasons why you should definitely hire the expertise of an architect for your home design.Expertise and ExperienceThis is the most obvious reason why, and it prevents a multitude of "sins" the amateur would commit by him or herself. The experience of the a... read more >>>

The Sublime Alchemy of Lean-To Living

Ah, the domestic domicile! A fortress of solitude, a sanctuary of comfort, a veritable citadel of...boredom? Yes, you heard it right. The four walls that protect you from the elements can also stifle your spirit, turning you into a modern-day Rapunzel, minus the long hair and the prince. But what if I told you there's a way to expand your kingdom without annexing the neighbor's yard or selling you... read more >>>

The Magic of Moss Gardening

A Journey into the Green Abyss As I sat there, eyes glazed over, contemplating the merits of another night spent in the clutches of the latest mind-numbing television drama, a sudden thought struck me like a bolt of lightning. A thought so simple, yet so profound, it would change my life forever: moss gardening. Yes, that's right, the cultivation of those tiny, unassuming green plants that carpet... read more >>>


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